IC-PFCS Holds 9th National On-the-Spot Chemistry Poster-Making Contest

Mixing it up!


At first thought, it may seem that artistry does not “mix well” with chemistry. But, through the creative minds and gifted hands of the youth, this unlikely concoction of science and arts proved to brew a delectable blend. Held on March 2, 2019 in the Francisco O. Santos Hall (Physical Sciences Building), the Philippine Federation of Chemistry Societies (PFCS) and the Institute of Chemistry (IC) gathers talented Grades IV-VII students to sketch a masterpiece inspired by the science of chemistry. 


The 9th National On-the-Spot Chemistry Poster-Making Contest is an annual celebration by PFCS with the different partner universities, including UPLB. This event aims to highlight the impact of chemistry in solving national problems in the eyes of children and especially of the youth. With the theme “CHEM-bisyon: Kimiko para sa Sariling Bayan”, 19 student contestants from 10 participating schools join together to compete for the best poster that sketches the contribution of chemistry in the different sectors of the Philippine society. 


 Getting the Right Brew – Art and CHEM-bition


To formally start the event, Assistant Professor Elgin V. San Gabriel, the Extension Committee coordinator of IC, welcomed the participating schools and students to the poster-making contest. Meanwhile, to prepare a perfect mix of color and chemistry concept, Assistant Professor Ralph Lauren M. Alomia of IC, the guest speaker of the contest, delivered an informative yet motivational talk on how the products of chemistry are used in the field of agriculture, health and technology. 


To decide which contestants got the right brew of artistry and scientific grip, three invited distinguished judges of diverse specializations chose the three winners of the event. Ms. Althea Roa, agriculturist and visual artist from UPLB, Mr. Jayvie Dacdac, architect and fashion designer from Adamson University and Mr. Benedict Joseph Salvatierra, chemist and photographer also from UPLB, provided their expertise in the selection of the top three winners. The winners of the contest are Nicole Luise Ann C. Tulay of Lalakay Elementary School (Laguna), Wayne Gabriel L. Albano of Los Baños Elementary School (Laguna) and Chester Machkie M. Mallorca of San Pablo City National High School (Laguna). The winners will also be the representatives of Laguna, Batangas and Quezon to the 34th Philippine Chemistry Congress to be held in Cebu City this May 2019 where their posters will be exhibited. As a graceful epilogue, Prof. Elgin V. San Gabriel formally congratulated the winners of the contest and ended the event by inspiring the student contestants to keep their passion for learning.


As PFCS spearhead this annual celebration of chemistry through artistic expression, the blend of art and chemistry has continued to inspire young minds to reach their “CHEM-bitions” in life. 


- Richard Ron R. Litan
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