CHEM-trepreneur 101

The UPLB Chemistry Alumni Association (UPLB CHEM-AA), Inc., in partnership with the UPLB Institute of Chemistry (UPLB-IC), hosted “Chem-trepreneur 101”, a Chemistry Entrepreneurship Webinar, last April 30, 2022 via Zoom. Two IC alumni shared their knowledge and experience in the synergy between chemistry and entrepreneurship. 

Ms. Irah Cunanan, CEO and formulation chemist of Hiraya Natural Skin Care, shared her expertise in the cosmetic business with her talk entitled, “Essentials of a Cosmetics Business for Microscale Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)”. Ms. Cunanan explained the different stages in establishing a cosmetic business. The first stage was the planning stage wherein you develop your niche and create a business plan. At this stage, the entrepreneur needs to identify the product he/she wants to market and determine the target consumer group. The second stage is business registration. Ms. Cunanan shared the step-by-step process of obtaining a DTI certification, SEC registration, barangay business permit, Mayor’s business permit, BIR registration, FDA license to operate and FDA certification of product notification. The third stage is the product manufacturing and formulation in which the chemist training is essential. She explained the differences between rebranding and having your own formulation. She also detailed the disadvantages of having an own formulation when you are an MSME. The final stage is marketing where various online marketing platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, etc., have been useful. 

One of UPLB-IC’s faculty members, Asst. Prof. Ralph Lauren M. Alomia, shared his experiences in his endeavor in the soap-making business through his talk entitled, “Applying Chemistry in Starting up a Sabon Business”. The COVID-19 pandemic made him start this “sabon” endeavor. There was low local supply of dishwashing liquid and liquid hand soap in his province during that time. To augment this, he studied the formulation of these products. After he optimized the formulation of these products, his sister, an alumna of the College of Economics and Management, UPLB, helped her in the marketing side of the business. During the webinar, he shared his knowledge on the technical side of the production which includes the ingredients in making a synthetic soap and the desirable qualities of a soap. He also illustrated how to make soap by sharing a sample recipe. 

Participants engaged with the speakers through the open forum conducted after the talks. Some of the participants shared their entrepreneur experiences while some of them voiced their interest in entrepreneurship. The event concluded with the closing remarks from the UPLB CHEM-AA president, Mr. Miko Lorenzo J. Belgado. 

This webinar opens avenues for students and professionals to engage in entrepreneurship. According to Marie Forleo, an American entrepreneur, “Never start a business solely to make money. Start a business to make a difference.” May we all be dedicated to making a difference.

- Rochelle P. Ibabao
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