Research Interests:
- Bee science and technology
- Development and analysis of bee products
- Chemical instrumentation
- Information technology as applied to chemistry
Recent Publications:
Charland, JM, Deocaris, CC, Micor, JRL, Mojica, ERE. (2021). Potential and performance of accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) in obtaining bioactive compounds from bee propolis: Comparison with soaking, ultrasonication, and microwave-assisted methods. Journal of Tropical Life Science, 11(2), 187-192.
Alvarez, PLJ, Micor, JRL, Angelia, MRN, Brescia, TK, Symczak, KM and Mojica, ERE. (2021). Spectroscopic discrimination and characterization of bee propolis from the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, 150(3), 655-662.
Hizon-Fradejas, AB, Dela Torre, LDG, Alvarez, PLJ, Belina-Aldemita, MD, Micor, JRL, Angelia, MRN, Barrion-Dupo, ALA, Cervancia, CR. (2019). Antioxidant and physico-chemical properties and botanical origin of pollen collected by Apis cerana Fabricius from selected apiaries in Laguna and Batangas provinces (Philippines). Philippine Entomologist, 33(1), 30-46.
External Link: https://scholar.google.com.ph/citations?hl=en&user=RPg8DYYAAAAJ